

I’m Elliot “Li” Bearden, an engineer and conservation enthusiast. I harness the power of code to create solutions that connect underserved communities to the great outdoors. My passion lies in the intersection of technology, nature, and social good, driving me to develop innovative tools that enhance accessibility and foster a deeper appreciation for the environment.

Panoramic photograph of a lake in Glendalough, Ireland.

In my work, I prioritize sustainability and inclusivity, aiming to make the outdoors more accessible to all. Whether it’s through developing AI-powered tools at Deepgram or crafting integration solutions at Frame.io, my goal remains the same: to leverage technology for positive change.

As a lifelong learner, I continue to explore new technologies and methodologies to enhance my impact. I am deeply committed to my mission of bridging the gap between technology and conservation, ensuring that future generations can enjoy the beauty and serenity of the natural world.

“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.” - Robert Swan

Join me on this journey as I strive to make a difference, one line of code at a time. Let’s work together to create a more inclusive, sustainable, and connected world.